What an exciting month. This was Iris' first Christmas! having her here just made everything feel complete! but what made Christmas even more exciting this year was the magic that was in the air. Yes Miles' mind was filled with the magic of Christmas. Santa Clause was coming so he had to be good! He learned Christmas jingles at school and would sing them on the way home from preschool:) He helped wrap presents and decorate cookies. He even kept Keith's Christmas presents to me a secret! The best part was Christmas morning Miles said he heard Santa's Reindeer on the roof the night before. I lite up when I heard this:) This is what Christmas is all about for me - kids believing in the magic of it....
Iris is obviously too little to know what Christmas is. She did however laugh out loud for the first time this month! She laughed at Miles making funny faces in the bathtub one night. She has had tiny giggles since then but that was her one big laugh so far. She loves to snuggle a blankie up by her face. She is still sleeping good at night. Now to get her to take long naps in the day instead of cat naps...
It was so much fun this season with our little family. Keith did a great job on my Christmas presents this year. I couldn't believe he had the idea to get the kids hand prints on pottery for me. Of course I missed being in Canada with my family and snow! but we will be there very soon to see everyone in January!